
Tatsuhiko Akiyama

High School Student, Engineer, Researcher.
Nihil sciens.

Self Introduction

I am a high school student who is an engineer and researcher. I am involved in a program called “Experts in Information Science Program” at the National Institute of Informatics, where I am researching “Hallucination” in LLM. I have a keen interest in information science, mathematics, and linguistics. Recently, I started learning Latin. I receive support from multiple programs and institutions, but my views do not represent any of these organizations.


If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact me at tatsuhiko(dot)shigoto(at)gmail(dot)com.



I participated in a 4-night 5-day program where I attended university-level lectures. I learned about mechanisms of repairing radiation-damaged DNA, the Schrödinger equation, gel physics, media theory, and the Kuramoto model which approximates synchronization phenomena.

Poster presentation at IPSJ

I presented a poster titled “Mitigating Hallucination of Language Models without References by Uncertainty Estimation and Rule-based Analysis” on Experts in Information Science Program at IPSJ.

Japanese Olympiad in Informatics 2023/2024

Advanced to the first round qualifiers. Preparing for the second round qualifiers.

N High School Research Club


I have completed the open data science course offered by the Matsuo Laboratory at the University of Tokyo.

第26回数理科学コンクール 人工知能の部

A competition hosted by Chiba University that uses Mathematica to analyze given problems.

CA Tech Lounge

2023 - Present
I am majoring in ML/DS in the CA Tech Lounge community provided by CyberAgent.

Experts in Information Science Program

I have been selected for a research program conducted jointly by the National Institute of Informatics, the Information Processing Society of Japan, and the Japan Olympiad in Informatics Committee.I am studying and advancing research in the field of computer science.

Mitou Junior

2021 - 2021Nov
Mitou Junior is a half-year-long program to enhance young innovative creators in Japan. I was selected in 2021 and developed a research tool called Researcheck for students.